Monday, March 29, 2010

Waiting In Anticipation

This week's "I Heart Faces" challenge is for images that are dramatic black and white images. I immediately thought of this image I took last year during a birth photo session. Each hospital has different policies about taking photographs during child birth. This particular hospital didn't allow any photography from when the mother starts pushing to when the nurses begin to clean up the baby under the warmer. I was able to "sneak" out my camera to capture this image. I was scolded by the head nurse and I immediately put my camera away like a good girl. I dwelt on this image the rest of the night and anticipated being able to view it on my computer. I was thrilled when I saw it! It turned out better than I could have imagined. For me, this image is priceless because of all the work it took for "mom" and "dad" and me to capture it. What an incredible experience!


  1. oh wow, this tells such an amazing story!! it give me goose bumps!!

    great job!!

  2. oh, i absolutely adore that photo!! it tells such a beautiful story.

  3. I love the story behind the image. So special! : )
