Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Business Ethics

I saw this article today and it hit a spot in my soul. It's a soft spot that says, "Jennifer, give them the benefit of the doubt because they are going through...and they need you to give them a break." That soft spot in my soul that gifts me with mercy, tends to get rubbed, bruised and eventually hardened by bad experiences in life. I don't want it to happen but it just does. Well, I'm sure anyone who has a business has dealt with this type of issue regardless of what industry you are in. I also realize that my clients and potential clients deserve to see the "Ins & Outs" of my business to know WHY I do what I do. It just makes for a better working relationship. To avoid that soft spot in my soul from becoming hard as stone, I hope to address issues, questions & concerns before they become such so that you, my client, will be a lifelong client. My goal is to blur the line between good friend and client because life is too short not to be able to work with good people that bless my soul (and keep it from hardening)!

Enjoy the read and leave me a note to let me know what you think. How have you dealt with issues like this and what advise do you have for me?

Because I don't want to leave a post pictureless, here's an image of my guys having some fun. They all 3 LOVE to fish!

1 comment:

  1. You are so talented! I love the blog! ...and I agree you should stay soft--but firm.
