Friday, May 7, 2010

North-Texas Newborn Photography {Little "A"}

So, this was sooo fun for me to get to photograph "Little A". What an incredible baby. He slept so well for me, but when he was awake, I didn't hear a peep out of him. Just rolling eyes and sleepy glances. How precious! What an incredible and unique ministry I have to be able to share with new parents the wisdom I've gleaned as a mom. Children are special, newborn needs are unique, and new parents realize just how unprepared they often are. D & C are incredibly capable new parents doing the best job in the world, and doing it well! Congratulations you two and I look forward to watching your family grow. God bless you & Happy Mother's Day!


  1. Jennifer!!! You are so very talented! I love these first few images! Can't wait to see more...thanks for such a wonderful experience. Your gentle touch and patience with photographing newborns just amazed me. Thank you for letting me know about this post and I hope you have a very happy mothers day to you too! You just made mine perfect!!!!! :)

  2. Cute :)
    Love the long stocking hat!!
